%0 Journal Article %T 新时代视域下青年马克思职业观的再阐释——基于对人的本质理论的思考
Reinterpretation of Marx’s Career Outlook on Young People under the Perspective of the New Era—Reflections Based on the Theory of Human Nature %A 吴慧娟 %J Advances in Philosophy %P 192-200 %@ 2169-2602 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ACPP.2024.131030 %X 新时代视域下,中国式现代化的实现依赖于当代青年的思想觉醒和现实发展、依托于马克思主义理论的挖掘与实践运用,在破除对马克思主义教条式理解基础上去探寻青年马克思职业观仍具有重大的现实意义和时代价值。当代青年职业观在“唯利论”、极端个人主义等不良思想的影响下渐趋扭曲、歪化,以“人的本质”理论对青年马克思职业观进行再阐释,在崇高职业目的中探寻人的本质思想的萌芽,从理论逻辑上论证青年马克思职业观的科学性,从思想价值上探析青年马克思职业观对青年的价值引领作用,以辩证唯物主义思维引领当代青年培育正确思想道德素养,从实践旨趣中为当代青年的职业成长注入新活力,指引青年在树立正确职业观基础上以实践开拓未来,为中国式现代化发展筑牢青年根基。
From the perspective of the new era, the realization of Chinese-style modernisation depends on the ideological awakening and realistic development of contemporary youth, relying on the excavation and practical application of Marxist theory, and exploring the young Marx’s professional outlook on the basis of breaking the dogmatic understanding of Marxism is still of great practical significance and time price. Contemporary youth’s occupational views are gradually becoming distorted and warped under the influence of detrimental ideologies such as “profit-above-all” and extreme individualism. By reinterpreting the vocational perspective of young Marx through the lens of his theory on “the essence of human beings”, we can explore the germination of this concept in the context of noble career aspirations. This allows us to theoretically substantiate the scientific nature of young Marx’s vocational outlook from a logical standpoint, and investigate its value-guiding role for the youth at the ideological level. Using dialectical materialist thinking, we guide contemporary youth in nurturing the right moral and intellectual qualities. From a practical perspective, we infuse new vitality into their professional growth, guiding them to forge ahead into the future based on a sound occupational viewpoint, thereby laying a solid foundation for China’s unique path towards modernization with the engagement and development of its youth. %K 青年马克思职业观,人的本质理论,新时代青年职业观
Young Marx’s Career Outlook %K Human Essential Theory %K New Era Youth Career Outlook %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79675