%0 Journal Article %T 对“两种生产”理论的再思考——基于恩格斯《起源》文本的分析
Rethinking on the Theory of “Two Types of Production”—Analysis Based on Engels’ The Origin Text %A 夏侯博文 %J Advances in Philosophy %P 180-186 %@ 2169-2602 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ACPP.2024.131028 %X 马克思逝世以后,恩格斯为实现马克思的遗愿,专门集中精力撰写了《家庭,私有制和国家的起源》这部专著。《起源》的一个重大理论贡献就在于进一步论述了“两种生产”理论,完善和发展了历史唯物主义理论体系,为我们全面准确地理解唯物史观的要义具有重大启发。近年来,世界范围内不断暴露出的发展问题和人口问题相互交织、愈演愈烈,如何解释、解决这些理论难题和现实困境已经成为当下各个国家不得不面对的“灰犀牛”。笔者认为,在当今时代重新思考“两种生产”理论或许是我们理解当前难题、洞穿历史发展的一把钥匙。而对“两种生产”理论的再思考必须置于马克思关于历史和人的全部哲学体系之中,置于马克思和恩格斯对唯物史观的整个思考历程和思考方法之中。
After Marx’s death, Engels focused his efforts on writing the monograph The Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State to fulfill Marx’s last wish. A significant theoretical contribution of The Origin lies in further discussing the theory of “two types of production”, improving and developing the theoretical system of historical materialism, which has significant inspiration for us to comprehensively and accurately understand the essence of the materialist view of history. In recent years, the development and population issues that have been constantly exposed worldwide are inter-twined and becoming increasingly severe. How to explain and solve these theoretical and practical difficulties has become a “gray rhinoceros” that various countries have to face today. The author believes that rethinking the theory of “two types of production” in today’s era may be a key to under-standing current difficulties and penetrating historical development. The rethinking of the theory of “two types of production” must be placed within Marx’s entire philosophical system on history and human beings, as well as within Marx and Engels’ entire thinking process and methods on the materialist view of history. %K 两种生产,《家庭,私有制和国家的起源》,历史唯物主义
Two Types of Production %K The Origins of the Family %K Private Property %K and the State %K Historical Materialism %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79667