%0 Journal Article
%T 侯外庐墨子思想研究——以《中国思想通史》为主
A Study of Hou Wailu’s Mo-Tzu Thought—Mainly Based on the General History of Chinese Thought
%A 李昊凡
%J Advances in Philosophy
%P 92-97
%@ 2169-2602
%D 2024
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/ACPP.2024.131014
%X 侯外庐通过对土地制度的变化及阶级关系的变动两方面来进行墨子思想研究。墨子思想起源的原因实质上是来自于土地变化所带来的新国民阶级。墨子的社会政治、知识论等思想中表现出墨子对于新国民阶级利益的捍卫以及对氏族贵族的批判斗争。侯外庐建立了马克思主义的墨学研究的方法,为中国哲学研究提供了新范式。发掘了墨学思想中的民本思想,对于当今的社会治理具有深刻的意义。
Hou Wailu studied Mozi’s thought through the changes of land system and class relations. The origin of Mozi’s thought is essentially from the new national class brought about by land change. Mozi’s social politics, epistemology and other thoughts show his defense of the interests of the new national class and his critical struggle against the gentile nobility. Hou Wailu established the study method of Marxist Mohology, which provided a new paradigm for the study of Chinese philosophy. It is of profound significance to the current social governance to explore the people-centered thought in Mohism.
%K 侯外庐,墨子,经济基础,阶级变动
Hou Wailu
%K Mo-Tse
%K Economic Base
%K Class Change
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78973