%0 Journal Article
%T 浅谈《神圣家族》中的群众史观
On the Mass Historical View in “Die Heilige Familie”
%A 闵瑶
%J Advances in Philosophy
%P 19-23
%@ 2169-2602
%D 2024
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/ACPP.2024.131004
%X 《神圣家族》是马克思与恩格斯第一次共同协作撰写的文章,在马克思主义整个发展过程中起了非常重要的作用,它在很大程度上表明了马克思和恩格斯思想转变的过程。它批判了青年黑格尔派的主观唯心主义,揭示了黑格尔体系的缺陷,旗帜鲜明地表达了群众史观,为马克思主义群众史观的形成做出了重大的贡献。本文重点阐述了《神圣家族》中群众史观的渊源意蕴、形成过程及其当代价值,明确了不是虚幻的精神、思想和脱离群众的英雄个人创造历史,而是人民群众创造历史。
“Die Heilige Familie” was the first article written by Marx and Engels together, and it played a very important role in the entire development process of Marxism, and it showed to a large extent the process of the ideological transformation of Marx and Engels. It criticized the subjective idealism of the Young Hegelians, revealed the defects of the Hegelian system, and clearly expressed the mass view of history, making a significant contribution to the formation of the Marxist concept of mass history. This paper focuses on the origin, meaning, formation process and contemporary value of the historical concept of the masses in Die Heilige Familie, and makes it clear that it is not the illusory spirit, ideology and heroic individuals who are detached from the masses who create history, but the masses of the people who create history.
%K 《神圣家族》,群众史观,马克思,恩格斯
Die Heilige Familie
%K Mass Historical Views
%K Marx
%K Engels
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78730