%0 Journal Article
%T 迷影文化下国产科幻片营销的另一种可能——以《宇宙探索编辑部》为例
Another Possibility of Domestic Sci-Fi Film Marketing under Cinephilia Culture—Taking Journey to the West as an Example
%A 张君逸
%J Art Research Letters
%P 283-287
%@ 2326-3482
%D 2023
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/ARL.2023.124047
%X 在第5届平遥国际电影展上斩获多个大奖,被影迷们封为“神片”的《宇宙探索编辑部》于2023年4月1日正式上映。电影节的出身,让《宇宙探索编辑部》的诞生和“封神”时刻都深受迷影文化的影响。与实现中国电影工业美学的《流浪地球》不同,低成本拍摄的《宇宙探索编辑》在内容上讲述民科故事、没有绚丽的视觉奇观特效、采用伪纪录片的拍摄手法,在宣传上也没有延续《流浪地球》的口碑营销,转而利用迷影文化打造情感营销,实现迷影群体小圈层的狂欢,从而收获不错的口碑和票房成绩。《宇宙探索编辑部》在营销上的创新也为今后低成本国产科幻片的营销寻找到另一种可能。
After winning several awards at the 5th Pingyao Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon International Film Festival, Journey to the West which was called “the most amazing film” by fans was officially released on April 1, 2023. Coming from the film festival, the birth and the divine moment of Journey to the West are deeply affected by Cinephilia Culture. Unlike The Wandering Earth, which realizes the aesthetic of the film industry, the low-cost Journey to the West tells a story of unofficial science in content and does not have gorgeous visual wonders and special effects. Besides, Journey to the West adopts the shooting method of mockumentary. Journey to the West does not continue the word-of-mouth marketing of The Wandering Earth in publicity. Instead, it uses Cinephilia Culture to create emotional marketing. Journey to the West has aroused the love and recognition of movie fans. In the end it managed to realize the carnival of the small circle of fan film groups. Thus, Journey to the West obtained the good word-of-mouth and box-office receipts. The innovation in marketing of the Journey to the West has also found another possibility for the marketing of low-cost domestic science fiction films in the future.
%K 迷影文化,国产科幻片,《宇宙探索编辑部》
Cinephilia Culture
%K Domestic Sci-Fi Film
%K Journey to the West
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=73622