%0 Journal Article
%T The German Radio Guidance Station <i>K11</i>, <i>Stp Mo 44c</i> at Saint-Fiacre (Lanmeur-FR)
%A Giancarlo T. Tomezzoli
%J Archaeological Discovery
%P 189-202
%@ 2331-1967
%D 2023
%I Scientific Research Publishing
%R 10.4236/ad.2023.114009
%X It is common opinion that the Battle of Britain during the WWII was principally characterised by the role of the British radars and the RAF aircrafts in detecting and destroying incoming German bombers. This is partially true, because it ignores the role played by German installations of advanced technology for guiding German bombers during their missions over Great Britain and the British attempts to jam the German bomber guiding beacons. The German radio guidance station K11, Stp Mo 44c at Saint-Fiacre (Lanmeur) is one of the best examples of German radio guidance station in France. The visits on the site, permitted to identify some K11, Stp Mo 44c components and to determine their preservation state at about eighty years from the end of the WWII.
%K Knickebein
%K <
%K i>
%K K11<
%K /i>
%K <
%K i>
%K Mo 44c<
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%K Lanmeur
%K Saint-Fiacre
%K Battle of England
%K Luftwaffe
%K Wassermann
%K See-Elefant
%U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=127939