%0 Journal Article
%T 福柯权力理论视角下的《全网公敌》权力研究
Research on the Power of Hated in the Nation from the Perspective of Foucault’s Power Theory
%A 薛淙元
%J Art Research Letters
%P 278-282
%@ 2326-3482
%D 2023
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/ARL.2023.123046
%X 权力理论是福柯理论体系的核心,福柯对于权力、监狱、性、生命、精神病都有极为深刻研究,通过边缘化的社会事件来映射整个社会的运作体系以及背后机制。在影片《全网公敌》中权力是整个文本中必不可少的推动因素,权力是如何发生的,规训所产生的结果,微观权力与传统权力之间的关系,因此从福柯的权力理论为视角来分析与解读文本不仅能够展现事件背后的运作机制也能展现后现代社会所面临的社会问题。
Power theory is the core of Foucault’s theoretical system. Foucault has conducted profound research on power, prison, sex, life, and mental illness, mapping the entire social operating system and underlying mechanisms through marginalized social events. In the film Hated in the Nation, power is an essential driving factor in the entire text. How power occurs, the results of discipline, and the relationship between micro power and traditional power. Therefore, analyzing and interpreting the text from the perspective of Foucault’s power theory not only reveals the operating mechanism behind the event, but also reveals the social problems faced by postmodern society.
%K 福柯,权力理论,资本社会,《全网公敌》
%K Power Theory
%K Capital Society
%K Hated in the Nation
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=71472