%0 Journal Article
%T 设计思维的构成及特性探究
Research on Composition and Characteristics of Design Thinking
%A 张金凤
%J Art Research Letters
%P 215-221
%@ 2326-3482
%D 2023
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/ARL.2023.123036
%X 作为一种思维模式,设计思维是以人为本的解决复杂问题的方法。设计师利用自己对事物或问题的理解,将一定的方法、手段、技术、策略与实际的需求相匹配,创造出符合需要的解决方案。设计思维强调对问题作深入的理解,再寻找解决办法,通过设计思维所确定的解决办法是多角度的,重点是探索各种可能的答案,最后确定一个最优解,再不断地测试、验证、改进。
Design thinking, posited as a cognitive approach, exemplifies a human-centric method for addressing intricate issues. This involves the designer utilizing their understanding of a situation or problem, aligning specific methods, means, technologies, and strategies with the genuine needs. Consequently, solutions that correspond to these needs are innovated. Design thinking underscores a profound comprehension of issues before seeking remedies. The solutions derived through this cognitive approach are multifaceted, focusing primarily on the exploration of various potential answers. Ultimately, an optimal solution is selected, which is then incessantly tested, validated, and enhanced.
%K 逻辑思维,形象思维,灵感思维,思维特性
Logical Thinking
%K Visual Thinking
%K Inspirational Thinking
%K Cognitive Attributes
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=70226