%0 Journal Article
%T 现实主义的回归——理解后现代主义艺术的一种视角
The Return of Realism—A Perspective for Understanding Postmodernist Art
%A 陈汝佳
%J Art Research Letters
%P 208-214
%@ 2326-3482
%D 2023
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/ARL.2023.123035
%X 后现代主义艺术流派众多,艺术表现形式、媒介使用的复杂导致后现代主义艺术难以理解。后现代主义艺术没有一个所谓合法的判断标准,但是通过一系列比较可以发现,后现代主义艺术的特点与现实主义艺术有内在的关联性。二者同样关注现实、对时间的感知是碎片化的、价值体系和表现手法也都很灵活。这种关联性如何理解?又是如何实现的?通过解决这些问题,论述后现代主义艺术向现实主义回归与超越这一判断。
There are many schools of postmodernist art, and the complexity of artistic expression and the use of media have made postmodernist art difficult to understand. There is no so-called legitimate criterion for judging postmodernist art, but a series of comparisons reveal that the characteristics of postmodernist art are intrinsically related to realist art. Both are equally concerned with reality, have a fragmented perception of time, and are flexible in their value systems and expressions. How is this correlation understood? And how is it achieved? By addressing these questions, the judgment that postmodernist art returns to and transcends realism is discussed.
%K 后现代主义,现实主义,在场性
%K Realism
%K Presentness
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=70224