%0 Journal Article %T 后现代思潮下博物馆叙事话语转变的探索——以中国丝绸博物馆为例
Exploration on the Transformation of Narrative Discourse in Museums under the Postmodern Trend of Thought—Taking China Silk Museum as an Example %A 谢炜东 %A 吕游 %A 张新灿 %J Art Research Letters %P 192-197 %@ 2326-3482 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ARL.2023.123032 %X 现代主义下博物馆因作为城市文化意象的风向标,是城市文化底蕴的承载者,从根本上说博物馆是恢复“文化之根”的推动者,因此,其叙事话语权被赋予一种不可撼动的“真理”而存在。而后现代思潮的来临则打破了这一传统博物馆叙事话语权的观念,人们开始转向对多元化的“文化之果”的关注,即打破传统博物馆叙事话语权的主宰地位,走向后现代叙事。因此,本文借以中国丝绸博物馆为例,探究中国丝绸博物馆的现代叙事话语的现状,并为之作出后现代思潮下叙事话语转变的思路探索,以求分析和揭示在新时代博物馆文化更为深层的社会意义和美学探讨。
Under modernism, museums, as the wind vane of urban cultural intentions, are carriers of urban cultural heritage, and fundamentally the driving force for restoring the “cultural roots”. Therefore, their narrative discourse power is endowed with an unshakable “truth” and exists. The arrival of postmodern trends has broken the traditional concept of narrative discourse power in museums, and people have begun to turn their attention to the diversified “cultural fruits”, that is, breaking the dominant position of traditional museum narrative discourse power and moving towards postmodern narrative. Therefore, this article takes the Chinese Silk Museum as an example to explore the current situation of modern narrative discourse in the Chinese Silk Museum, and explores the transformation of narrative discourse under postmodern trends, in order to analyze and reveal the deeper social significance and aesthetic exploration of museum culture. %K 后现代思潮,叙事话语,中国丝绸博物馆,文化之根,文化之果
Postmodernism %K Narrative Discourse %K China National Silk Museum %K Cultural Roots %K The Fruit of Culture %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=70117