%0 Journal Article
%T 数字技术与戏影叠合之下的视觉俳句:《麦克白的悲剧》的影像语言分析
Visual “Haiku” with Digital Technology and the Blend of Cinema and Theater: Analysis of Visual Languages of The Tragedy of Macbeth
%A 朱秀雨
%J Art Research Letters
%P 88-93
%@ 2326-3482
%D 2023
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/ARL.2023.122015
%X 乔尔·科恩导演的电影《麦克白的悲剧》是对莎士比亚戏剧《麦克白》的改编与演绎,以影像语言联结戏剧艺术,突出了戏影叠合与视觉本位的特点。影片冷峻的黑白灰影调剥离色彩制造与现实的距离感,呈现出随情节与语言律动的影调反差变化。在画面构成上,该片将舞台灯光的运用融入电影照明,以光质变化与特殊光效隐喻人物心理,极简主义的布景结合重视造型性的构图,映衬与诠释个体精神意识的嬗变。该片结合当下的影像数字技术再造麦克白丰富生动的想象之境,复活莎翁笔下个性鲜明的文学意象,其书写视觉“俳句”的抽象化演绎为戏剧与文学作品的银幕转化提供了新的思路。
The film The Tragedy of Macbeth directed by Joel Coen is an adaptation and interpretation of Shakespeare's play Macbeth, connecting theatrical art with visual language, highlighting the characteristics of overlapping of stage and screen and visual aesthetics. The stark black-and-white cinematography eliminates realism, displaying rhythmical changes in types of tonality and contrast to accompany the plot and the text. Combining theatrical lighting with film lighting, the film reveals characters’ state of mind with the changing quality of light and moving-light strategy. The simplicity of production design and the geometric structure of composition make the transmutation of the metal world of characters tangible. The use of technology in the film has revived Macbeth’s imagination and the distinctive literary imagery. The concept of visual “haiku” inspires a new approach to film adaptations of literature and drama.
%K 《麦克白的悲剧》,黑白影调,电影数字技术,影像语言
The Tragedy of Macbeth
%K Black-and-White Tones
%K Digital Technology in Film
%K Visual Language
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=65449