%0 Journal Article
%T An Review of Taiwanese Educational Leadership
%A Jing Liu
%A Chaoyi Wei
%J Chinese Studies
%P 113-125
%@ 2168-541X
%D 2023
%I Scientific Research Publishing
%R 10.4236/chnstd.2023.122011
%X As
mainland China and Taiwan are culturally homologous, the achievement of
Taiwanese educational system has important implications for mainland Chinaกฏs educational reform.
Taiwanese educational principle is a combination of Confucius educational
philosophies and modern western educational theories. The reform of the
Taiwanese educational system reflects its shift towards western educational
model. However, since rooting in the soil of eastern culture, the western
educational culture is not smoothly embedded, and it faces the challenges from
high-stake examination systems and strict teaching environment. Further
specific improvement should adopt for the better educational leadership.
%K Educational Leadership
%K Educational System
%K Educational Culture
%U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=124133