%0 Journal Article %T Remarks about External Forces Acting on Earth¡¯s Rotation Axis %A Monica Zoe Ciobanu %J World Journal of Mechanics %P 73-77 %@ 2160-0503 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/wjm.2023.132003 %X It is well known that a variation in the direction of Earth¡¯s rotation axis is a real astronomical phenomenon, named nutation. It is interesting if a variation of this axis can take place only in intensity, in the simplest theoretical case of only two rigid body dynamics. This paper presents two positions of the Moon during its monthly orbit, where a sudden variation of Earth¡¯s rotation axis in intensity can take place. The duration of this phenomenon is limited in time, maybe an instant or a day, and then a vortex can appear. %K Nutation %K Variation in Intensity of Earth¡¯s Rotation Axis %K Chandler¡¯s Wobble %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=123799