%0 Journal Article
%T 沙特阿美总承包合同变更索赔机制探讨与应对
Discussion and Strategy on the Change and Claim Mechanism of Saudi Aramco General Contract
%A 罗鹏
%A 仪记敏
%J Journal of Oil and Gas Technology
%P 68-74
%@ 2471-7207
%D 2023
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/JOGT.2023.451009
%X 沙特阿美作为全球最大的石油公司,拥有庞大的工程市场。在中国“一带一路”政策和沙特阿拉伯“2030愿景”政策双轮驱动下,诸多中国工程承包商企业进入沙特阿美市场,在项目执行过程中,由于内外部条件的变化,往往面临大量的变更索赔问题。本文以某天然气管道项目为背景,探讨研究沙特阿美管理体系下的变更索赔机制和特点,结合工程项目自身,探索合理有效的变更索赔应对方式,旨在保障承包商利益最大化。
Saudi Aramco, as the largest oil company in the world, has a huge engineering market. Driven by China’s “the Belt and Road” policy and Saudi Arabia’s “Vision 2030” policy, many Chinese engi-neering enterprises enter the Saudi Aramco market as general contracting. During project implementation, due to changes in internal and external conditions, there are always a large number of changes and claims. Taking a natural gas pipeline project as the background, this paper discusses and studies the change and claim mechanism and characteristics under the Saudi Aramco management system, and explores reasonable and effective response methods for change claims in combination with the project itself, aiming at ensuring the maximum interests of contractors.
%K 沙特阿美,变更索赔,机制探讨
Saudi Aramco
%K Changes and Claim
%K Mechanism Discussion
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=62425