%0 Journal Article
%T 国际工程项目的索赔与风险管理探究
Research on Claim and Risk Management of International Engineering Project
%A 陈卫梦
%A 李文鹏
%A 栾石柱
%J Journal of Oil and Gas Technology
%P 16-20
%@ 2471-7207
%D 2023
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/JOGT.2023.451003
%X 国际工程建设市场竞争激烈,使得国际工程承包商面对越来越严重的困难局面和残酷竞争。当前新冠病毒疫情在全世界范围的大流行以及世界各国政府针对新冠疫情出台相应新的法律,也使得中国企业在海外国际工程中面临前所未有的考验。这些在施工过程中发生的不可预见或不能控制的干扰因素影响了合同的正常履行,造成了工期延长、成本增加。因此如何合理地规避、转移、预防和自留风险,以及如何通过索赔来为项目减少损失和争取最大的利益,成为当前国际承包商加强工程索赔和风险管理的重中之重。
The fierce competition of the international engineering construction market makes the interna-tional engineering contractors to face more and more serious difficult situations and cruel competition. The current worldwide COVID-19 and the new laws issued by governments around the world in response to COVID-19 also make Chinese enterprises to face unprecedented challenges in overseas international projects. These unmet or uncontrollable interference factors in the construction process affect the normal performance of the contract, resulting in the extension of the construction period and the increase in cost. Therefore, how to avoid, transfer, prevent and retain the risk reasonably, and how to reduce the loss and strive for the maximum benefit for the project through the claim, become the top priority of the current international contractors to strengthen the project claim and risk management.
%K 国际工程,索赔,风险管理
International Engineering Project
%K Claim
%K Risk Management
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=62267