%0 Journal Article
%T Uncertainty in Abstract Painting and Its Possibility of Stimulating Positive Feelings in Viewers
%A Yichu Shi
%J Art and Design Review
%P 43-54
%@ 2332-2004
%D 2023
%I Scientific Research Publishing
%R 10.4236/adr.2023.112004
%X Starting from the theoretical definition of positive feelings and
uncertainty, this paper discusses the
research in the embodiment of the principle of pleasure brought by
uncertainty in daily life and discusses its feasibility. By analyzing the
pleasure of uncertainty in the field of musical artistic expression and the connection between music and abstract painting,
the author explores the causes of positive feelings from uncertainty in
abstract painting and its application. Through creative practice and related
material experiments, the author achieves the result that there is potential for viewers to get positive
feelings after experiencing the uncertainty
in abstract painting works. This study aims to explore the application
of abstract painting in the field of art therapy through this series of investigations.
%K Positive Feelings
%K Uncertainty
%K Abstract Painting
%K Music
%K Art Therapy
%U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=123704