%0 Journal Article %T Technologies and Measures for Increasing Gasoline Production %J American Journal of Chemical Engineering %@ 2330-8613 %D 2019 %X As an important fuel energy source, gasoline plays a very important role in the national economy development of our country. Gasoline production increasing is a primary mission for petrochemical enterprises at present and even over a long period in the future to optimize production operation plan, adjust product slate, meet market demand and improve economic performance. This paper deeply analyzes and identifies gasoline production increasing potential of enterprises based on the practical production operation of C Company, considering the development progress and industrialized application of alkylation technology, isomerization technology, etherification technology, MTBE technology, residue hydrogenation technology, catalytic cracking and LCO hydro-upgrading-catalytic cracking combination technology at home and abroad. Additionally, this paper proposes constructive solutions for enterprises to further increase the production of gasoline, reduce diesel-gasoline ratio, optimize product slate, tap potentiality and increase efficiency and provides a reference for petroleum and petrochemical enterprises to establish slate adjustment development plan, on the basis of the long-term development plan of enterprises, aiming at ˇ°comprehensive utilization of resources by refining-chemical integration, increase gasoline blending components, increase the production of automobile gasoline and optimize product slateˇ±, in the aspects of ˇ°plant operation scheme, catalyst grading scheme, production and processing scheme, plant slate adjustment and plant general process designˇ±, etc %K Increasing Gasoline Production %K LTAG %K FDFCC %K FD2G %K RLG %K Alkylation %K Isomerization %K Etherification %U http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=224&doi=10.11648/j.ajche.20190701.14