%0 Journal Article
%T 冠状动脉肌桥致交感风暴猝死1例分析
Analysis of Sudden Death of Sympathetic Storm Caused by Coronary Artery Muscle Bridge
%A 张震东
%A 张碎虎
%J Asian Case Reports in Emergency Medicine
%P 1-4
%@ 2328-0395
%D 2021
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/ACREM.2021.91001
随着冠状动脉造影和CT冠脉成像(CTCA)检查增加,冠状动脉肌桥(Myocardial Bridge,心肌桥)的检出率也不断提高。相应地冠状动脉肌桥导致患者猝死的发现率也在不断提高,但对其导致猝死的原因仍未阐明。随着心脏疾病手术和介入治疗的增加,交感风暴的发生率也在增加,由交感风暴引起的死亡亦增多。但冠状动脉肌桥是否可导致交感风暴而引起患者死亡,仍未见报道。本文对1例冠状动脉肌桥导致患者交感风暴而发生猝死的现象做一分析,以引起临床更加重视。
With the increase of coronary
angiography and CT coronary artery imaging (CTCA), the detection rate of
coronary artery myocardial bridge (Myocardial Bridge, myocardial bridge) is
also increasing. Correspondingly, the discovery rate of sudden death caused by
coronary artery muscle bridge is also increasing, but the cause of sudden death
is still unclear. With the increase in heart disease surgery and interventional
therapy, the incidence of sympathetic storms is also increasing, and deaths
caused by sympathetic storms are also increasing. However, whether the coronary
artery muscle bridge can cause sympathetic storm and cause death of patients
has not been reported. This article analyzes a case of sudden death caused by
sympathetic storm caused by coronary artery muscle bridge to arouse more
clinical attention.
%K 冠状动脉肌桥,交感风暴,猝死
Coronary Artery Muscle Bridge
%K Sympathetic Storm
%K Sudden Death
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=40582