%0 Journal Article %T 闭合性腹部损伤的评估概述
Evaluation of Closed Abdominal Injury %A 王虬玥 %A 国麟祺 %A 马海军 %A 何其勇 %J Asian Case Reports in Emergency Medicine %P 7-11 %@ 2328-0395 %D 2020 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ACREM.2020.82002 %X
Closed abdominal injury is one of the more serious emergency diseases in clinic, which has the characteristics of sudden onset, complex and diverse conditions after injury, rapid change of disease, different severity of illness, high mortality and so on. Most of them go to emergency departments related to general surgery. For patients with closed abdominal injury, sometimes the early symptoms are hidden; it is difficult to make a correct diagnosis, which leads to the delay of the disease, and even life-threatening. Therefore, in clinic, we should pay attention to the early diagnosis of closed abdominal injury, accurately obtain the basic situation and medical history of patients with closed abdominal injury, and diagnose the disease with physical examination and one or more auxiliary examinations, so that patients can benefit as soon as possible.
%K 闭合性腹部损伤,影像学,诊断,综述文献
Blunt Abdominal Injury %K Imaging %K Diagnosis %K Review Literature %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=36747