%0 Journal Article %T The Acquistion of Opportunity of Shadow Education for Chinese Junior High School Student: The Perspective of Number of Children in a Family %A Xiaolei Wang %J Chinese Sociological Dialogue %@ 2397-2017 %D 2018 %R 10.1177/2397200918776933 %X The paper based on baseline data of China Education Panel Survey (CEPS2013-2014) to analyze the differences in the opportunities of acquiring shadow education between only child and non-only child in China.This study determined that the probability of an only child acquiring shadow education is higher than that of a non-only child. Shadow education activities among only child and non-only child feature ˇ°cultivating the elitesˇ± and ˇ°advancing the backwards.ˇ± Among them, an only child can maximize the effects of ˇ°advancing the backwardsˇ± of shadow education, whereas non-only child can maximize the effects of ˇ°advancing the backwardsˇ± of shadow education. Research results of non-only children show that the higher the number of children, the more unfavorable for students to participate in shadow education activities. Furthermore, the birth order of children affects the opportunity for non-only child to acquire shadow education, whereas first-born or last-born children can acquire better shadow education %K shadow education %K number of children %K only child %K birth order %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2397200918776933