%0 Journal Article %T 郭绍虞辑《清诗话续编》提要 %A 张寅彭 %J 复旦学报(社会科学版) %D 2016 %X 郭绍虞先生选辑之《清诗话续编》,久已脍炙人口。该辑承民国初丁福保《清诗话》来,故云“续编”。而丛书之名“诗话”者,则可昉自清中叶何文焕所辑之《历代诗话》。此亦近世以来诗话丛书名称之源流大较也。然若究其实,吾国传统诗学体例向有诗评、诗法及诗话三类之分,《四库全书总目》集部“诗文评”类小序已言之矣,郭先生此辑专收诗评之作,其凸显者,在清人之诗观方面,故久为学界所乐用。今各就其成书始末、版本异同、议论长短,略撰成提要,用便读者,并藉以勾稽清人之诗学大观也。</br>Abstract:Guo Shaoyus Qing shihua xubian (The Sequel of the Notes on Poetry in Qing Dynasty) has been a very popular work in the circle of academia. The “xubian” means a sequel of Qing shihua by Ding Fubao in the Republic China, and the “shihua” came from Lidai shihua by He Wenhuan in the mid-Qing Dynasty, which was the name source of the poetics collections in modern times. As has been stated in The Imperial Catalog of the Four Treasuries, the genre of traditional poetics includes reviews, composing skills and notes. And Guos collection is focused on reviews. It collected poetics books written by intellectuals in the Qing Dynasty. This article tries to make a summary of the ins and outs of each book, the differences of each version, and its merits and faults, with a wish to be easier use for the reader and making a panoramic view of the poetics in the Qing Dynasty. %K 《清诗话续编》 %K 提要< %K /br> %K Qing shihua xubian %K summary %U http://www.fdwkxb.fudan.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract1621.shtml