%0 Journal Article %T Managing Company Productiveness on the Basis of Resource Saving 孝扭把忘志抖快扶我快 扭把抉我戒志抉忱我找快抖抆扶抉扼找抆攻 扭把快忱扭把我攸找我攸 扶忘 抉扼扶抉志快 把快扼批把扼抉扼忌快把快忪快扶我攸 %A Krivoruchkina Yelena V. %J Business Inform %D 2013 %I Kharkiv National University of Economics %X The article emphasises priority of growth of productivity of natural resources since they are main limiting factors of production systems. It states that ensuring positive trajectory of development of companies could be achieved by means of not formal reduction of the used natural resources but their complex use. It systemises conceptual approaches to management of resource saving. It presents the logic of formation of results of increase of productivity of natural resources. It identifies main principles of their formation and use. It proves that introduction of the resource saving type of production allows obtaining synergy of ecologic and economic results. It justifies the determining role of strategic resources in development and realisation of measures on effective use of resources of a company in general and natural ones in particular. It offers to assess effectiveness of activity of economic subjects through the prism of internal productivity, which is interpreted as company*s capacity to generate and accumulate intellectual, information and organisational products for a certain period of time, which acquire the status of strategic resources and create prerequisites for realisation of priority directions of company development in the context of realisation of resource saving type of production. 圾 扼找忘找抆快 忘抗扯快扶找我把抉志忘扶抉 志扶我技忘扶我快 扶忘 扭把我抉把我找快找扶抉扼找我 把抉扼找忘 扭把抉我戒志抉忱我找快抖抆扶抉扼找我 扭把我把抉忱扶抑抒 把快扼批把扼抉志, 扭抉扼抗抉抖抆抗批 抉扶我 攸志抖攸攻找扼攸 忍抖忘志扶抑技 抉忍把忘扶我折我志忘攻投我技 扳忘抗找抉把抉技 扭把抉我戒志抉忱扼找志快扶扶抑抒 扼我扼找快技. 孝抗忘戒忘扶抉, 折找抉 抉忌快扼扭快折快扶我快 扭抉抖抉忪我找快抖抆扶抉抄 找把忘快抗找抉把我我 把忘戒志我找我攸 扭把快忱扭把我攸找我抄 技抉忪快找 忌抑找抆 忱抉扼找我忍扶批找抉 戒忘 扼折快找 扶快 扳抉把技忘抖抆扶抉忍抉 批技快扶抆扮快扶我攸 扭把我技快扶攸快技抑抒 扭把我把抉忱扶抑抒 把快扼批把扼抉志, 忘 我抒 抗抉技扭抖快抗扼扶抉忍抉 我扼扭抉抖抆戒抉志忘扶我攸. 妊我扼找快技忘找我戒我把抉志忘扶抑 抗抉扶扯快扭找批忘抖抆扶抑快 扭抉忱抒抉忱抑 抗 批扭把忘志抖快扶我攻 把快扼批把扼抉扼忌快把快忪快扶我快技. 妤把快忱扼找忘志抖快扶忘 抖抉忍我抗忘 扳抉把技我把抉志忘扶我攸 把快戒批抖抆找忘找抉志 批志快抖我折快扶我攸 扭把抉我戒志抉忱我找快抖抆扶抉扼找我 扭把我把抉忱扶抑抒 把快扼批把扼抉志. 妍扭把快忱快抖快扶抑 抉扼扶抉志扶抑快 扭把我扶扯我扭抑 我抒 扳抉把技我把抉志忘扶我攸 我 我扼扭抉抖抆戒抉志忘扶我攸. 坏抉抗忘戒忘扶抉, 折找抉 志扶快忱把快扶我快 把快扼批把扼抉扼忌快把快忍忘攻投快忍抉 找我扭忘 扭把抉我戒志抉忱扼找志忘 扭抉戒志抉抖攸快找 扭抉抖批折我找 %K productiveness of a company %K resource saving %K complex use of raw materials %K strategic resources %K ecologic and economic effectiveness %K 扭把抉我戒志抉忱我找快抖抆扶抉扼找抆 扭把快忱扭把我攸找我攸 %K 把快扼批把扼抉扼忌快把快忪快扶我快 %K 抗抉技扭抖快抗扼扶抉快 我扼扭抉抖抆戒抉志忘扶我快 扼抑把抆攸 %K 扼找把忘找快忍我折快扼抗我快 把快扼批把扼抑 %K 改抗抉抖抉忍抉-改抗抉扶抉技我折快扼抗忘攸 改扳扳快抗找我志扶抉扼找抆. %U http://www.business-inform.net/pdf/2013/5_0/258_263.pdf