%0 Journal Article
%T 成功救治妊娠合并脑炎继发多脏器功能障碍综合征一例
A Case of the Successful Treatment of a Pregnancy Woman Was Complicated Byencephalitis and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndromes
%A 张京晓
%A 刘海波
%A 尹永杰
%J Asian Case Reports in Emergency Medicine
%P 5-7
%@ 2328-0395
%D 2013
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/ACREM.2013.11003
A young pregnancy women suffered from fever for 3 days and came to our hospital. After admission to the hematology department because of thrombocytopenia, in the third day coma appears and she was deliveried to ICU department. Our lab finding suggests that the patient presented respiratory failure, shock, liver injury, renal injury, ga-strointestinal dysfunction and coagulation dysfunction. Consider of that, the diagnosis was encephalitis, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, shock, and stillbirth. Then we give her the treatment including the mechanical ventilation, mon-itoring CVP, fluid resuscitation, large dose glucocorticoid injection, and mild hypothcrmia, sedation, coagulating, organ support and early nutrition support therapy. And on the 5th day, a dead female baby was delivered, after more than 20 days treatment, the patient was clear. Muscle power was 3-4 level in the four limbs, lab finding returns to normal, the patient was discharged.
%K 妊娠;脑炎;多器官功能障碍综合征
%K Encephalitis
%K Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndromes (MODS)
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=9445