%0 Journal Article
%T 酮症酸中毒合并乳酸酸中毒死亡1例分析
One Death Case about the Ketoacidosis Meger Lactic Acidosis
%A 陈高飞
%A 尹文
%J Asian Case Reports in Emergency Medicine
%P 1-2
%@ 2328-0395
%D 2013
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/ACREM.2013.11001
The Ketoacidosis merger Lactic acidosis is a serious complication of the Diabetes. Once the disease happens, the treatment is very difficult and the mortality is high. This paper focuses on analyzing one death case about the Ketoacidosis meger Lactic acidosis who was treated in our department, which is useful for clinical treatment by providing basis and reference.
%K 糖尿病;酮症酸中毒;乳酸酸中毒
%K the Ketoacidosis
%K the Lactic Acidosis
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=9443