%0 Journal Article %T Comprendiendo Nuestras Politicas: The Need for an Effective C&IT Policy for a Nation's Development, The Venezuelan Case %A Carmen Joham %J Informing Science The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline %D 2002 %I Informing Science Institute %X This research explores the argument that developing countries (DC) need effective and good quality communications and information technology (C&IT) policies as a strategy for socio-economic growth. It focuses on Venezuela and attempts to gain an understanding of the cur-rent and potential impact of national C&IT policies and strategies in the C&IT diffusion process and globalisation arena. It is suggested that a shift is needed towards a wider concept of policy design. The traditional design reflects a rather 'prescriptive' approach, while I propose that a 'participatory' approach, which encompasses social, political, technical, ethical and other issues, is both necessary and desirable for effective policies to exist. A multiple perspective interpretative methodology is used in order to understand the complexities of effective C&IT policies in Venezuela to attract C&IT investment and achieve socio-economic growth. Consequently, the study of C&IT policy is based on an approach that emphasizes a multiple level of analysis encompassing the levels of the individual, society, organisation, and technology. %K C&IT national policy %K developing countries %K information technology %K Venezuela %U http://inform.nu/Articles/Vol5/v5n3p125-131.pdf