%0 Journal Article %T Phylogenetic relationships and call structure in four African bufonid species %A M.I. Cherry %A W.S. Grant %J African Zoology %D 2012 %I %X ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Four species of toads of the genus Bufo. comprising three species endemic to southern Africa and one closely-related species, were examined electrophoretically to infer their phylogenetic relationships. The evolution of advertisement call structure in these species is discussed in relation to this phylogeny. Bufo rangeri and B. gutturalis, two species with very different call structures, are sister taxa. Two pairs of species with very similar call structures, B. pardalis and B. gutturalis, and B. rangeri and B. angusticeps, were only distantly related. Our results suggest that call parameters are poor characters to use in inferring phylogenies among congeneric species, probably because of selection for optimal audibility in different habitats, and because of the role that they play in premating isolation. The phylogeny derived from allozyme data agrees with evidence on albumin immunological distance, karyotype and morphology. *********** AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vier spesies skurwepaddas van die genus Buto, bestaande uit drie wat endemies is in Suid-Afrika en een nou-verwante spesie, is elektroforeties ondersoek om hulle filogenetiese verwantskap af te lei. Die evolusie van die struktuur van die bekendstellingsroep by hierdie spesie word met betrekking tot hierdie filogenie bespreek. Buto rangeri en B. gutturalis, twee spesies met baie verskillende roepstrukture, is suster taksa. Twee pare van spesies met baie ooreenstemmende roepstrukture, B. pardalis en B. gutturalis, en B. rangeri en B. angusticeps, was slegs ver langs verwant. Ons resultate dui daarop dat roep-parameters swak kenmerke is om te gebruik by die aflei van filogenie by verwante spesies, waarskynlik as gevolg van seleksie wat plaasvind vir optimale hoorbaarheid in verskillende habitatte, sowel as die rol wat hulle speel by die pre-paringsisolasie. Die filogenie wat van allosiemdata afgelei is, stem ooreen met getuienis oor albumien immunologiese afstand, kariotipe en morfologie . %K Phylogenetic relationships %K toads %K genus Bufo. %K African bufonid species %K B. pardalis %K B. gutturalis %K B. rangeri %K B. angusticeps %U http://africanzoology.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/547