%0 Journal Article %T Description of Caprionchulus diversipapillatus n.gen., n.sp. from Caprivi, Namibia (Nematoda: Onchulinae) %A Antoinette Swart %A J. Heyns %J African Zoology %D 2012 %I %X ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Caprionchulus diversipapillatus n.gen, n.sp. was found in a small fresh-water pond in eastern Caprivi. The new genus differs from all other genera within the subfamily Onchufinae Andrassy, 1963 in the almost barrelshaped stoma containing a single dorsal tooth, an elongated cardia comprising three vertical rows of four cells each and peculiar supplements consisting of two conspicuous adanal setae and a row of six to eight papilloid supplements, the last four of which are in pairs. The spicule shape is also different from other members of the Onchulinae. *********** AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Caprionchulus diversipapillatus n.gen., n.sp. is in 'n varswaterpoel in Oos-Caprivi, Namibia gevind. Die nuwe genus verskil van alle ander genera binne die subfamilie Onchulinae Andrassy, 1963 in die amper vaatjievormige stoma met slegs een dorsale tand, die verlengde kardia wat bestaan uit drie rye van vier selle elk, die vorm van die spikulum en die eienaardige supplement¨ºre organe. Hierdie organe bestaan uit twee opvallende adanale setae en 'n ry met ses tot agt papil-vormige supplement¨ºre organe waarvan die laaste vier parig is. %K Caprionchulus diversipapillatus n.gen %K n.sp. %K eastern Caprivi %K single dorsal tooth %K barrelshaped stoma %K two conspicuous adanal setae %K elongated cardia %K spicule shape %K Onchulinae %K Onchufinae Andrassy %U http://africanzoology.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/618