%0 Journal Article %T A new grass frog from Namibia %A A. Channing %J African Zoology %D 2012 %I %X ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A new species of grass frog of the genus Ptychadena is described from northern Namibia. Although superficially similar to Ptychadena schillukorum and Ptychadena mossambica, the new species differs in advisement call, and external characters. An examination of a series of published sonagrams indicates that Ptychadena floweri must be regarded as a junior synonym of P. schillukorum. ******* AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Nuwe graspadda-spesies van die genus Ptychadena word van noordelike Namibia beskryf. Alhoewel dit oppervlakkig soortgelyk is aan Ptychadena schillukorum en Ptychadena mossambica, is daar duidelike verskille in advertensieroep en eksterne kenmerke. 'n Ondersoek van 'n reeks sonagramme toon dat Ptychadena floweri 'n junior sinoniem van P. schillukorum is. %K new species of grass frog %K Ptychadena %K northern Namibia %K Ptychadena schillukorum %K Ptychadena mossambica %K Ptychadena floweri %K synonym of P. schillukorum %U http://africanzoology.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/619