%0 Journal Article %T Cascabela Thevetia (L) Lippold (known as covadonga) Poisoning. A Case Presentation Intoxicaci車n por Cascabela thevetia (L)Lippold (covadonga). Presentaci車n de un caso %A Raylen Escobar Rom芍n %A Leonardo Leiva Acebey %A Juan Ariel Morales Espinosa %J MediSur %D 2012 %I Centro Provincial de Informaci車n de las Ciencias M谷dicas en Cienfuegos %X The case of a 60 years olds male patient, who ingested a home remedy made out of two seeds of Cascabela Thevetia (L) Lippold (known as covadonga) that were shredded and then subjected to decoction as part of a remedy for a catarrhal state is presented. After 12 hours the patient developed vomiting, hypotension, tachycardia, chest tightness and intense dizziness. He went to his health subsystem, La Gomera, in the Health Area of the Marta Abreu Polyclinic, in Santa Clara, where the case was consulted to the poisoning control information service of Villa Clara. General measures and symptomatic treatment were oriented as well as urgent transference to the health area of secondary health care. While being transferred, an asystolic episode occurred. The patient did not overcome it and died from acute myocardial infarction. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino, de 60 a os de edad, quien ingiri車, como medicina para un estado catarral, un remedio casero elaborado con dos semillas de Cascabela thevetia (L)Lippold (covadonga), ralladas y luego sometidas a una decocci車n. A las 12 horas present車 v車mitos, hipotensi車n, taquicardia, opresi車n tor芍xica intensa y mareos. Acudi車 al subsistema La Gomera del 芍rea de salud del policl赤nico Martha Abreu, en Santa Clara, desde donde se consult車 el caso al servicio de informaci車n toxicol車gica de Villa Clara. Se orientaron medidas generales y tratamiento sintom芍tico, as赤 como su remisi車n urgente al 芍rea de salud de atenci車n secundaria. Durante el traslado sufri車 de asistolia, de lo que no se recuper車 y falleci車 por infarto agudo del miocardio. %K Envenenamiento %K plantas medicinales %K bebidas %K zumos %K causas de muerte %U http://www.medisur.sld.cu/index.php/medisur/article/view/1748