%0 Journal Article %T The application of service oriented architecture in calculation of thermochemical properties in web service form %A Pavel Horov£¿¨¢k %A J¨¢n Terp¨¢k %J Acta Montanistica Slovaca %D 2012 %I Technical University of Kosice %X The paper is devoted to application of service oriented architecture in calculation of thermochemical properties. It describesfor this purpose designed web service, its features and possibilities of utilization as well as basic principles of service orientedarchitecture that are used in web service design. As basic data sources were used NASA polynomials, CAS registry numberand manually filled data. Web service has 23 particular functions, which is possible to use in various clients environments. %K SOA %K thermochemical properties %K web service %K PHP %U http://actamont.tuke.sk/pdf/2012/n2/2_Horovcak.pdf