%0 Journal Article %T Alternative substrates of bacterial sulphate reduction suitable for the biological-chemical treatment of acid mine drainage %A Alena Luptakova %A Eva Macingova %J Acta Montanistica Slovaca %D 2012 %I Technical University of Kosice %X The impacts of AMD pollution on biological systems are mostly severe and the problem may persist from many decadesto thousands of years. Consequently AMD prior to being released into the environment must be treated to meet government standardsfor the amount of metal and non-metal ions contained in the water. One of the best available technologies for the removal of metals fromAMD is precipitation as metal sulphides. SRB applications for AMD treatment involve a few principal stages. The first stageis the cultivation of SRB i.e. the bacterial sulphate reduction. At the laboratory conditions the sodium lactate is the energetic substratefor the growth of bacteria. Its price is not economic for the application in the practice and is needed investigate the alternativesubstitutes. The aim of this work was the cultivation of SRB using the selected energetic substrates such as: calcium lactate, ethanol,saccharose, glucose and whey. Experimental studies confirm that in the regard to the amount of reduced sulphates the calcium lactateand ethanol are the best alternative substrates for the bacterial sulphate-reduction. %K biological sulphate reduction %K sulphate-reducing bacteria %K calcium lactate %K whey %U http://actamont.tuke.sk/pdf/2012/n1/10_Luptakova.pdf