%0 Journal Article %T Robust adjustment of a geodetic network measured by satellite technology in the Dargovskych Hrdinov suburb %A Slavom¨ªr Labant %A Gabriel Weiss %A Pavel Kuku£¿ka %J Acta Montanistica Slovaca %D 2011 %I Technical University of Kosice %X This article addresses the adjustment of a 3D geodetic network in the Dargovskych Hrdinov suburbs using Global Navigation SatelliteSystems (GNSS) for the purposes of deformation analysis. The advantage of using the GNSS compared to other terrestrial technology is thatit is not influenced by unpredictability in the ground level atmosphere and individual visibilities between points in the observed network arenot necessary. This article also includes the planning of GNSS observations using Planning Open Source software from Trimble as well assubsequent observations at individual network points. The geodetic network is processing on the basis of the Gauss-Markov model usingthe least square method and robust adjustment. From robust methods, Huber¡¯s Robust M-estimation and Hampel¡¯s Robust M-estimationwere used. Individual adjustments were tested and subsequently the results of analysis were graphically visualised using absolute confidenceellipsoids. %K GNSS %K 3D geodetic network %K planning observations %K robust adjustment %U http://actamont.tuke.sk/pdf/2011/n3/7labant.pdf