%0 Journal Article %T Klasificiranje besedilnih zvrsti v japon ini [Text Type Classification in the Japanese Language] %A Andrej BEKE£¿ %J Acta Linguistica Asiatica %D 2011 %I %X lanek v okvirju Hallidayeve sistemsko-funkcijske lingvistike obravnava nekatere pristope h klasificiranju besedilnih zvrsti oz. anrov v japon ini v zadnjem asu. Besedilne zvrsti se razlikujejo glede na zna ilnosti konteksta situacije, tj., podro ja, tona in na ina. Klasifikacijski pristopi se ve inoma osredoto ajo na zna ilnosti podro ja, ki se odra ajo v porazdelitvi polnopomenskih leksi nih enot v besedilu. Pristopi, predstavljeni v lanku, se nasprotno opirajo na evidencialno-modalne pomene, izra ane preko evidencialnih prislovov in pomo nih evidencialno-modalnih elementov na koncu povedi.-----This paper deals with some recent approaches to Japanese text classification within the framework of Halliday¡¯s systemic functional linguistics. Text types differ according to the properties of their respective field, tenor and mode. Classification approaches usually center on field properties as reflected in content words and their distribution in texts. On the other hand, approaches introduced in the present paper are based on evidential-modal meanings, expressed by evidential adverbs and sentence-final auxiliary evidential-modal expressions. %K classification %K text type %K evidential adverbs %K evidential-modal expressions %U http://revije.ff.uni-lj.si/ala/article/viewFile/50/48