%0 Journal Article %T Intellectual property brazilian universities: Federal University of Goias and Brasilia University La propiedad intelectual en las universidades brasile as: Universidad Federal de Goias y Universidad de Bras赤lia %A Geni Anastacio Sabino %A Maria Dolores Ayuso Garc赤a %J Biblios %D 2013 %I University Library System, University of Pittsburgh %R 10.5195/biblios.2012.56 %X This study is about the importance of having a intellectual property protection policy and also the spread of it among the college environment of the Federal University of Goi芍s- Brazil once this definition is essential so that the universities invest in technology researches can be transferred to the productive area. This work analyzes on the importance of the implementation of a Protection politics of the Intellectual Property and the dissemination of this culture in the universities, since the definition of this politics at present is an essential requisite so that the Universities are invested in technological investigations by patentables that could be transferred for the productive sector. The discussion about intelectual property has been increasing the numbers of sector in Brazilian society where the knowlegde has been the principal point to the economic and social development. The dissertation presents the investigation realized in the ambience of the Federal University of Goi芍s (UFG) and University of Brasilia (UnB) - Brazil, across a comparative analysis it thought about how to test that the existence of an Institutional Politics of Protection to the Intellectual Property results in a major number of record of patents on the part of the universities. They informed of the poll teachers / investigators of the diverse Institutes, Faculties and Schools of two Universities. Analiza sobre la importancia de la implementaci車n de una Pol赤tica de Protecci車n de la Propiedad Intelectual y la diseminaci車n de esa cultura en las universidades, pues la definici車n de esa pol赤tica actualmente es un requisito esencial para que las Universidades inviertan en investigaciones tecnol車gicas patentables que puedan ser transferidas para el sector productivo. La cuesti車n y la discusi車n sobre la propiedad intelectual ha movilizado un n迆mero cada vez mayor de sectores de la sociedad brasile a donde la capitalizaci車n del conocimiento tambi谷n viene volvi谷ndose la base para el desarrollo econ車mico y social. El art赤culo presenta una investigaci車n realizada en el 芍mbito de la Universidad Federal de Goi芍s (UFG) y Universidad de Brasilia (UnB)-Brasil, a trav谷s de un an芍lisis comparativo busc車 testar que la existencia de una Pol赤tica Institucional de Protecci車n a la Propiedad Intelectual resulta en un mayor n迆mero de registro de patentes por parte de las universidades. Participaron de la encuesta profesores/investigadores de los diversos Institutos, Facultades y Escuelas de las dos Universidades. %K Intelectual property %K Brazilian Public Universities %K Federal University of Goi芍s %K University of Brasilia %K Brasil %U http://biblios.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/biblios/article/view/56