%0 Journal Article %T Quantification of Nonlinear Features in Cardiovascular Signals %A M. Javorka %A I. Tonhajzerova %A Z. Turianikova %A L. Chladekova %A K. Javorka %A A. Calkovska %J Acta Medica Martiniana %D 2011 %I Versita %R 10.2478/v10201-011-0009-5 %X The analysis of spontaneous heart rate and blood pressure oscillations under standardized conditions is a rapid, sensitive, noninvasive and reproducible tool for the assessment of cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction. Since the heart and vessels are controlled by a nonlinear deterministic system, measures derived from nonlinear systems theory are increasingly used in cardiovascular variability analysis. New nonlinear methods with applicability to real biological signals are continuously developed to quantify new aspects of cardiovascular signals with the potential to reveal subtle changes in the cardiovascular control system. Nonlinear measures provide complementary information about qualitative features of the analyzed signal. Since the analysis of variability magnitude and signal nonlinear characteristics (complexity, recurrences, time irreversibility, etc.) can provide independent information on cardiovascular system control, we suggest that simultaneous use of both groups of measures can increase the information value and thus improve the sensitivity and reliability of the detection and monitoring of the cardiovascular system dysregulation during various pathological conditions. %K heart rate variability %K blood pressure variability %K nonlinear dynamics %K complexity %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/y8t61rh82755m041/?p=88c0561920544c20b8c5aae878d56ce0&pi=3