Total of 2 articles.


Sep 30, 2016Open    AccessArticle

On The Correct Formulation Of The Law Of The External Photoelectric Effect

Temur Z. Kalanov
The critical and correct scientific analysis of the generally accepted theory of the external photoelectric effect is proposed. The methodological basis for the analysis is the unity of formal logic and of rational dialectics. It is shown that Einstein’s formulation of the law of the photoelectric effect is not free from the following objection. The terms of Einstein’s formula characterize the quantitative determinacy (i.e., energy) which belongs and is related to the different material ob...

Mathematical Analysis  Quantum Mechanics  Mathematical Logic and Foundation of Mathematics 

Feb 09, 2015Open    AccessArticle

On the Measurement Problem

Raed M. Shaiia
In this paper, we will see that we can reformulate the purely classical probability theory, using similar language to the one used in quantum mechanics. This leads us to reformulate quantum mechanics itself using this different way of understanding probability theory, which in turn will yield a new interpretation of quantum mechanics. In this reformulation, we still prove the existence of none classical phenomena of quantum mechanics, such as quantum superposition, quantum entanglement, the unce...

Atomic Physics  Particle Physics  Applied Statistical Mathematics  Probability Theory  Modern Physics  Quantum Mechanics  Theoretical Physics 
