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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Legal aspects of cases in courts of Ukraine on submissions on forced entering to the debtor’s dwelling

DOI: 10.18523/2617-2607.2018.93-98, PP. 93-98

Subject Areas: Law

Keywords: enforced execution of decisions, court order, enforcement agent, civil process

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The article analyzes the court practice of courts of Ukraine regarding submissions of enforcement agents on forced entering to the debtor’s dwelling or other property. On the basis of court practice, the existence of a structural problem of the courts of Ukraine in the matter of interpretation of the norms of the Law of Ukraine “On enforcement proceedings” was revealed regarding the debtor’s notification of existing of enforcement proceeding. It was established that courts while considering submissions of enforcement agents require enforcement agents to provide evidence of proof of the debtor’s notification of enforcement proceedings actions that the enforcement agents are not obliged to carry out in accordance with the legal framework. The courts do not properly interpret article 28 of the Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”, which stipulates that the debtor is deemed to be informed about the opening of enforcement proceeding if the resolution on opening the enforcement proceeding is sent to the debtor’s address stated in the writ of execution with a registered letter with a return receipt. Nevertheless, the courts even after the citation of the norm of article 28 of the Law, which directly specifies the fiction of the notice the debtor on the enforcement proceedings, still does not apply it, but require proof of the debtor’s notification of enforcement proceedings, which is not provided for by law. The situation is complicated by the fact that cases on submissions of enforcement agents on forced entering to debtor’s dwelling are not reviewed by the Supreme Court; therefore, it is impossible to develop a unified practice in this cases. In most cases, courts dismiss the submissions of enforcement agents on the basis of abovementioned reasons, which are inappropriate. While considering abovementioned submissions the court has to establish all actions of enforcement agents. If the enforcement agent carried out all possible actions with no or minimum result, it is the reason for the court to allow the submission and permit the enforcement agent to enter to debtor’s dwelling or other property using force as a last resort.

Cite this paper

Ishchenko, D. Legal aspects of cases in courts of Ukraine on submissions on forced entering to the debtor’s dwelling. NaUKMA Research Papers. Law, e8942. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18523/2617-2607.2018.93-98.


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