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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


The Role of Globalization in Iran's Cultural Development

DOI: -, PP. 29-46

Subject Areas: Politics

Keywords: Globalization, Cultural Development, International Political Economy, Iran

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Globalization is more than two decades that whether in the economic and political area and in the cultural and social area has become as one of the main topics among the countries and experts and simultaneous with it's raising, has brought challenges in the formal and academic assemblies. Effects that globalization has with himself in all domains, has caused to different interpretations and subsequently many supporters and opponents. One of these domains which forms the subject of this research, is impact of globalization on the cultural area of countries that naturally Iran is no exception to this rule. But that's to what extent can be appreciated this effect in the cultural area of Iran, positive or negative and identify challenges and opportunities in the country, it is the topic of the article's discussion. It seems in the field of culture as well globalization has components which should be specified and used from its opportunities in the direction of Iran's cultural development. In this article tried to by descriptive-analytical method and using data and data collection as a library or documentary, examined the role of globalization as an inclusive and extensive process in Iran's cultural development and mention to its components.

Cite this paper

Jahaninasab, A. (2018). The Role of Globalization in Iran's Cultural Development. International Journal of Nations Research, e9023. doi: http://dx.doi.org/-.


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