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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Review the End of History's Theory in Fukuyama's Thought

DOI: -, PP. 99-116

Subject Areas: Politics

Keywords: End of History Theory's, Fukuyama, Hegel, Liberal Democrats, Ideology

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The end of history from the historical, political, and philosophical perspective is a great deal of reflection and review. Fukuyama in his own political doctrine all the modern features that in fact, the cause of deterioration and the decline of the west's civilization would be counts as a tool for the durability and continuity of capitalist survival. He tries to use forced to postpone this end and by drawing a figure from this end, instead of worrying, creates hope and mobility. During the year 1989, Francis Fukuyama to be original liberal democracy as an economic political thought in North America and Western Europe published the theory of the end of history in an article. This research is dedicated to explain and review the basics and the origin of the thought of Francis Fukuyama to do this, was use from descriptive-analytical method and compiled its data in a library method. Finding of the research suggests that the intellectual roots of the end of Fukuyama's history retrieved from the Hegelian dialectic. Fukuyama's The End of history based on the ideology of liberal democracy and is trying in reinforcement and its consolidation in the global system. Hegel knows this primary stimulus of history in the human factor that indeed be a fight for recognition

Cite this paper

Bakhshaiy, H. and Salehi, S. (2018). Review the End of History's Theory in Fukuyama's Thought. International Journal of Nations Research, e8885. doi: http://dx.doi.org/-.


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