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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Developments in Promotion Strategies: Review on Psychological Streams of Consumers

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ijms.v7n3p129, PP. 129-138

Keywords: decision-making models, promotion strategies, theory, consumer, brand, sales promotion

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Theoretical decision-making models and theories in context to promotions at both brand and product level have focused and studied on several thought-provoking research explorations with three steams of research in promotion strategies. Researchers have studied the impact of price promotion strategies on consumers in several distant behaviors. Developmental theoretical models provide managers and researchers insights with deep understandings for many vital concerns like, why need in-depth study to the practice of promotion strategies, dilemmas like stock pressure, sales promoting decline after promotion events and its consequences. Branding and pricing have vital influence on decisions by consumers. Psychophysiological models are useful in the context, for instance, in decision and media research. Many theoretical researches in promotions have focused its aspects on pricing and its impact on consumer decision making. This is might because much of the literature has focused on building and evaluating price promotion strategies. This paper provides an indepth review on theoretical models, which are valuable for both researchers and for marketing executives

Cite this paper

Kazmi, S. H. A. (2015). Developments in Promotion Strategies: Review on Psychological Streams of Consumers. International Journal of Marketing Studies, e5843. doi: http://dx.doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ijms.v7n3p129.


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