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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Optimal Design of Hydraulic System for an Industrial Press Machine for Performance Improvement and Noise Reduction

DOI: 10.7508/JME-V1-N3-1-16 , PP. 1-16

Subject Areas: Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering

Keywords: Optimal Design, Hydraulic System, Pressure relief, Simulation, AMESim

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In this paper, we present an optimal design of the hydraulic system for a class of industrial press machines. Such machines are expected to produce a large pressure on a work-piece and they are driven by a hydraulic system. Excessive vibration in the period where the press is changed from pressure holding to pressure relief is a common bottleneck problem with such machines. The vibration is closely related to the hydraulic system that controls a press head’s movement and is subsequently responsible for the property of work-pieces. In the present study, we proposed a novel design of the hydraulic circuit for pressure relief and applied it to a brick press machine and evaluated through simulation by AMESim software, which showed that the design is effective. Finally, the simulation results were validated in practical operation, which showed that, the violent vibration was decreased significantly and the noise level of the new machine is decreased from 80 decibel to 58 decibel.

Cite this paper

Yao, J. , Lu, B. , Zhang, C. and Sadatomi, M. Optimal Design of Hydraulic System for an Industrial Press Machine for Performance Improvement and Noise Reduction. Open Journal of Mechanical Engineering, e694. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7508/JME-V1-N3-1-16 .


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