%0 Journal Article %T An¨¢lise de imagens na avalia£¿£¿o de danos mecanicos em sementes de soja %A Pinto %A Ta¨ªs Leite Ferreira %A Mondo %A Vitor Henrique Vaz %A Gomes-J¨²nior %A Francisco Guilhien %A Cicero %A Silvio Moure %J Pesquisa Agropecu¨¢ria Tropical %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.1590/S1983-40632012000300010 %X mechanical damage is one of the most important factors in the soybean seeds quality decrease. this study aimed at evaluating the influence of impact pressure and seed moisture content, as well as the applicability of image analysis, on mechanical damages in soybean seeds. vencedora and monsoy 8001 cultivars seeds, with moisture content of 13% and 18%, were submitted to mechanical damages, with the aid of an impact simulator equipment (551.6 kpa and 965.3 kpa). subsequently, the seeds were dried at 32oc up to 12% of moisture content. immediately after the impacts and after five months of storage, the seeds were submitted to the tetrazolium and x-rays tests. the impact pressure and seed moisture content directly affected the mechanical damages severity, however, the impact location presented a higher influence than those factors. the image analysis method was very useful for evaluating mechanical damages in soybean seeds, enabling a detailed analysis of different factors effects. %K glycine max (l.) merrill. %K physiological potential %K seed quality %K x-rays. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1983-40632012000300010&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en