%0 Journal Article %T Fuentes de informaci車n e inteligencia organizacional en investigaci車n: El caso de la Universidad Tecnol車gica de Pereira %A L車pez Isaza %A Giovanni Arturo %A Correa Vallejo %A Martha Judith %J Cuadernos de Administraci車n %D 2011 %I Pontificia Universidad Javeriana %X with the headlong increase in accessible information, and the need to adopt management systems which are sensitive to innovative dynamism, this article seeks to discover the strategies for searching the relevant information used by researchers in universidad tecnol車gica de pereira. for this, it resorts to contributions regarding information and organizational intelligence, the use of patent documents as tools for technological learning, and the potential of information and communications technology to improve research activity. descriptive research showed that 62% of research groups have weaknesses in their strategies for finding relevant information. since this situation stands in contrast to the ubiquity of codified knowledge, it is recommended that spaces be generated for learning in strategic organizational intelligence, information flow management, and design and implementation of policy; and that research should be done on the extent to which administrative functions undertake organizational intelligence. %K organizational intelligence %K ict %K patent %K research %K information. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0120-35922011000100011&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en