%0 Journal Article %T A wireless data acquisition system for cattle behavior monitoring in zootechnics E-Science %A Tech %A A.R.B. %A Arce %A A.I.C. %A Silva %A A.C.S. %A Costa %A E.J.X. %J Archivos de Zootecnia %D 2012 %I Universidad de C¨®rdoba %R 10.4321/S0004-05922012000200002 %X this paper studies the feasibility of a system of monitoring and data collection via the web, with the construction of an e-science zootechnical. object-oriented modelling techniques were used and programming languages: php, c++, java and mysql database for development of the computing environment. the system hardware, electronic communication device, and monitoring protocols were developed using the float base sensor network protocol and techniques of electronic instrumentation. to test the system, an experiment was conducted with six holstein animals equipped with data collection devices. the experimental environment was equipped with six antennas and a fixed ip camera. the results showed the efficiency of the collection system and receiving data through the antennas distributed in the area. considering the methodology used in the project, as well as the results of the experiment, is possible conclude that, with the telemetric data collection in real time, the management and monitoring the animal during an experiment can be done, in addition to allowing free movement of the animal during the data collection. %K interface %K identification system %K data warehouse. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0004-05922012000200002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en