%0 Journal Article %T Envolvimento paterno e organiza£¿£¿o dos comportamentos de base segura das crian£¿as em fam¨ªlias portuguesas %A Monteiro %A L¨ªgia %A Ver¨ªssimo %A Manuela %A Santos %A Ant¨®nio J. %A Vaughn %A Brian E. %J An¨¢lise Psicol¨®gica %D 2008 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X paternal involvement in organizational/care tasks and play/leisure activities was studied in a sample of dual-earner portuguese families, with children that attend day-care for several hours a day. socio-demographic variables were analysed in relation to involvement, as well as the impact of father¡¯s participation in children¡¯s organization of secure base behaviour in mothers and fathers relationships. 44 mother/child and father/child dyads participated in the study, children¡¯s average age was 31.91 months (dp=2.56). to assess paternal involvement, (relative measure), both parents answered separately a questionnaire (monteiro, ver¨ªssimo, castro, & oliveira, 2006). the quality of the children¡¯s secure base behavior was assessed with the attachment behavior q-set (waters, 1995). mother/child and father/child dyads were observed, separately, in their homes, by different teams of observers. a traditional division in organization/care and a shared participation in the play activities emerged. no significant correlations were found between socio-demographic variables and fathers participation. fathers that shared caregiving and play activities with mothers have children with higher security scores. in this sample the quantity of father¡¯s participation showed positive consequences for the child socio-emotional development. %K paternal involvement %K type of activities %K secure base relationships %K family context. %U http://www.scielo.gpeari.mctes.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0870-82312008000300003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en