%0 Journal Article %T Uma brasiliana m¨¦dica: o Brasil Central na expedi£¿£¿o cient¨ªfica de Arthur Neiva e Belis¨¢rio Penna e na viagem ao Tocantins de Julio Paternostro %A Lima %A N¨ªsia Trindade %J Hist¨®ria, Ci¨ºncias, Sa¨²de-Manguinhos %D 2009 %I Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Funda??o Oswaldo Cruz %R 10.1590/S0104-59702009000500011 %X the article addresses the role played within the social imaginary of brazil by the scientific voyages of physicians in the first half of the twentieth century. two texts are analyzed: a report by arthur neiva and belis¨¢rio penna published in mem¨®rias do instituto oswaldo cruz and another, by julio paternostro, released in 1945 in viagem ao tocantins. the former contributed to singling out pathology as the defining mark of national identity during the first republic (1899-1930), a fact that had repercussions in the following decades, as apparent in paternostro's book, which at the time of its publication was presented as an indictment of national problems. these portraits of brazil highlight as attributes of the country not only disease but also the geographic and, primarily, cultural distance separating the coast from the sert£¿o. %K sert£¿o %K scientific voyages %K tropical medicine %K brazilian collection %K brazil. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0104-59702009000500011&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en