%0 Journal Article %T Percepci¨®n de rendimiento acad¨¦mico en estudiantes de Odontolog¨ªa %A Oliva Mella %A Patricio %A Narv¨¢ez %A Carmen Gloria %J Educaci£¿3n M£¿£¿dica Superior %D 2013 %I Editorial Ciencias M¨¦dicas %X this research work focused on the perception of the academic achievement of the undergraduate students of dentistry in universidad del desarrollo, concepcion, chile, by making a comparison with several variables linked to this concept in order to set an overall vision through the statistical associations among them. this is a cross-sectional, comparative and quantitative research using an expert-validated survey and pilotage from which a spss program-analyzed database was derived. data were distributed parametrically; the kolmogorov-smirnow test and the t-student test were applied. the results proved that the perceptions of academic achievement are linked with variables that are in turn associated to the student and to exogenous variables. it was concluded that the perception of the academic achievement is a social-educational construction made up of many interacting variables that have a bearing on the result of a formal qualification. %K academic achievement %K perception of academic achievement %K motivation for learning. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0864-21412013000100011&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en