%0 Journal Article %T 中国农村社会治理40年:从“乡政村治”到“村社协同”——湖北的表述<br>Social Governance in Rural China (1978-2018)——Hubei’s Story %A 吴理财 %J 华中师范大学报(人文社会科学版) %D 2018 %X 摘要 改革开放40年来,我国农村先后进行了农村土地经营和农村税费体制两大改革。与之相伴随的是,农村社会治理大致经过了两波重大变迁。如果说前一波变迁主要发生在“国家”与乡村社会之间,其主要成果是“政社分开”,形成“乡政村治”的农村治理体制;那么后一波变迁主要发生在乡村社会之内,触及乡村社会自身结构及其“灵魂”,其主要表征是“空心化”“个体化”。当前的因应之策便是在村民自治的基础上引入德治和法治,企望通过自治、德治、法治相结合,构建党委领导、政府负责、社会协同、公众参与、法治保障的现代农村社会治理体制。<br>Abstract:In the past 40 years since the reform and opening up, China’s rural areas have carried out two major reforms in rural land management and rural tax and fee system, along with two major changes in rural social governance. If the first wave of change mainly occurs between the “country” and the rural society, the main result of which is “the separation of politics and society” and the formation of the rural governance system of “township government and village self-governance”; then the latter change mainly occurs within the rural society and touches the structure of the rural society itself and its “soul”, which is mainly characterized by “hollowing-out” and “individualization”. The current policy is to introduce the rule of virtue and the rule of law on the basis of villagers’ autonomy, and hopes to build a modern rural social governance system with the leadership of the Party committee, the responsibility of the government, the social coordination, the public participation and the guarantee of the rule of law, through the combination of autonomy,the rule of virtue and the rule of law. %U http://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/sk/CN/abstract/abstract5683.shtml