%0 Journal Article %T 唐仲冕和《嘉庆海州直隶州志》的编纂<br>Tang Zhongmian and the Compilation of Jiaqing Haizhou ZhiLi Zhouzhi %A 刘祖强 %J 湖南大学报(社会科学版) %D 2016 %X 乾嘉之际,在政府编纂《大清一统志》的推动下,全国各地兴起了编纂方志的高潮。《嘉庆海州直隶州志》就是在这种时代背景下应运而生。同时,乾嘉时期也是考据学的兴盛时期,这部方志不可避免地受到了这种风格的影响。而这也与主修唐仲冕的个人兴趣爱好有莫大的关系。从研究主修唐仲冕入手,深入探讨这部方志的编纂问题,以期窥一斑而见全豹对此时期的方志编纂情况作整体了解。<br>Under the promotion of the government to compile Da Qing Yi Tong Zhi, which formed the climax of compiling chronicles across the country,Jiaqing Haizhou Zlii Zhouzhi came into being in this background. At the same time, Qianjia is also the flourishing period of textual research, which inevitably affected the style of the chronicles. The book is closely related to personal interests of Tang Zhong-mian. In order to have a profound understanding of Fangzhi in this period, this article gives deep discussion on the issue of the local chronicles. %K 唐仲冕 嘉庆海州 直隶州志 编纂< %K br> %K Tang Zhong-mian Jiaqing Haizhou Zhili Zhouzhi compilation %U http://hdxbskb.cnjournals.net/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20160423&flag=1