%0 Journal Article %T 《孙行者》的互文性解读<br>An Analysis of Intertextuality in Tripmaster Monkey:His Fake Book %A 蒋红 %J 西安交通大学学报(社会科学版) %D 2015 %X 通过对美国华裔女作家汤亭亭的小说《孙行者》的解读,认为文本弥漫着强烈的互文意识,以中国古典小说《西游记》为基础,通过互文性意义上的拼接,揉合了大量中西文本,从而揭示了华裔美国人的归属困惑;《孙行者》一书如实地表现了华裔美国人面临的身份转换和困惑,倡导美籍华人不应一味试图摆脱中华文化根深蒂固的影响,迎合所谓美国主流文化未博取身份认同感,而是应该建立两种文化的对话,由对立走向融合。<br>Maxine Hong Kinston′s master piece Tripmaster Monkey:His Fake Book has a strong sense of intertextuality. Based on Chinese ancient classic novel Journey to the West, Kingston′s novel mixes a great amount of Chinese and Western words so that the deep-rooted Chinese-Americans′bewilderment of identity can be revealed through the intertextual splicing of English and Chinese. By analyzing its intertextuality, this paper tries to study how Kinston faces the identity issue of the Chinese-Americans, and how she seeked the application of intertextuality as an effective tool in Chinese-American literature %K His Fake Book %U http://skxb.xjtu.edu.cn/oa/DArticle.aspx?type=view&id=201502015